Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sewing machines and umbrellas

This week presented more Excel problems for me, especially the Lemonade Stand project. Like most math and math related things, Excel continues to seemingly mock me with it's simplicity. Whenever I can't figure something out, then eventually have the problem explained to me, the solution appears so simple it damn near shames me. I don't mind practicing at home, which I'll need to do more often, if I hope to do as well on the final as I did on the midterm. I really hate that lemonade stand, though.

In tech news, it appears that Facebook has yet again changed features. It has attempted to reduce spam, fix applications that somehow allowed friends to view your purchasing information, and make the site generally more accessible. You can check the article out here. This appears to be good news, for although the changes may not ameliorate the entirety of Facebook's problems, it will make it easier for folks like me to use the site. I generally avoid Facebook because I have no idea how to use it or do anything on it. Facebook is not designed for the Myspace-frequenting apes like me...(it's fer University peoples), and thus, once I created my account, I just as soon forgot about it. This is unfortunate, as I have friends who are strange and do not trust Myspace and refuse to use it, yet comply with Facebook, as it's for intellectual people who do not care about "profile songs" or "glitter graphics." With crucial long-distance connecting at stake, I will at once look at the improved Facebook and hopefully reconcile my ill-feelings with it.

Crummy/ Not Crummy

This week in Excel world managed to foul my dreams and leave me strung out, at two in the morning, convulsing on the couch, trying to figure out what the hell happened. No worries, I thought, I'll GET it, besides, all the excel stuff is so easy to do in the homework. Ah, but my failings in class, the shame of not having gone home and practiced, the feelings of inferiority as others in class eruditely finish notebooks as I struggle to find the summation button finally came to a head, a nightmare of spreadsheets, endless workbooks, numbers, equations, all going faster miles an hour, into oblivion. Simply stated, Excel has me a little worried and significantly stressed out.

A reprieve came, though, to my near-squealing delight when I found this from a link in Wikipedia. It's a work of J.D. Salinger's that I had known of, but never had the privilege of reading: Slight Rebellion off Madison, one of the earliest Holden Caufield stories Salinger penned. This absolutely delighted me, as I've been stewing in indignation for months over a copy of a Salinger tome in Powell's Rare Book Room. It makes me incredibly happy that rabble such as I can access works otherwise reserved for the elite who can afford to spend $200 on a book from the internet. The wonders of technology.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

most super awesome

(Hopefully my blogs are in the correct order...)
This week held in store the much-dreaded mid-terms, a source of considerable anxiety and studying. The online chapter review questions were invaluable. Although I was thwarted at the beginning of the exam, upon learning that we couldn't employ print-outs for the test (oops!), just filling them out and reviewing helped so much, and I ended up only missing one question on the multiple choice part of the exam. In addition, I felt confident on the hands on section of the midterm, although my shortcut skills are wanting. This was, however, the first week I ever got behind in homework. Not having a hard copy of the assignments kind of thwarted me, and this is a problem. Reluctance to switch between screens is sort of like saying that I don't read because turning the pages is annoying.

I found an interesting bit of tech news, concerning Google street view and the French preference for privacy. Here's a link to the article. Parisians have a problem with their image being available to the world, as they hold highly the right to keep their image private. Lawsuits concerning Google street view have already arisen, and I believe for good reason. The feature is certainly neat, and yes, probably useful, but kind of superfluous and a little invasive...a little Big Brother. I've looked at it once, for San Francisco a few years back, for nostalgia's sake ("oh wow, I miss the Tenderloin"), but I wouldn't use it for anything else. Some frames had people in them, and it seemed a little sad...there they are, going about their day, caught picknicking by the Bay for the world to see, stuck in the ether of cyberspace forever.
I'm glad to hear that Google is having a hell of a time capturing the streets of Europe. Their ancient pathways and roads were not built on the handy grid system, it often makes no sense at all, in all it's serpentine and circuitousness. In addition, the architecture arising from those streets presents even more problems for the cameras. It seems as if the people and buildings alike do not wish to be captured.

one small step for the technically challenged

I experienced a moment of great pride in Week 5, one that proved I really had been paying attention in class and to the lessons in the text. My mom needed a clear yet tiny list of drinks to put in her order book. Her formatting was a mess, and the font was all wrong. In a few minutes, however, I formatted a lovely little table in readable font, colored titles, and highlights. The best part of all: it fit perfectly in her order book! We exchanged high-fives, and I was on top of the world!

In tech news...apparently "they're" going to make the video game "Bioshock" into a feature-length film. Now, I really don't like video that, I'm very bad at playing them, and I hate watching other people play them (with the exception of the original Zelda, Mario Bros., Beautiful Katamari and Guitar Hero). However, I will tolerate it...just sit and look bored and slightly frustrated, or sleep. Now,video game films I can't tolerate. The marketing behind them, the usually awful plot/writing/acting (like Street Fighter...what an abomination), it all feels like a scam. Whatever was special, unique and enjoyable about the game becomes inflated and senseless on the big screen, and furthermore, why make movies about games? Would they make a film about checkers? The Movie of Life? Even most sport films suck (except good boxing films...especially the old-timey ones). I imagine that Bioshock is going to be dark, bleak, drippy...ugh.